become the icon you've always knew was in you and embrace

Your Authentic genius


the program

This program is more than just a learning experience; it's a movement. It's about breaking free from stereotypes, shattering glass ceilings, and rewriting the narrative of success. It's about embracing your individuality and harnessing it to drive your business forward. It's about forging connections, fostering collaboration, and creating a supportive community of like-minded women who uplift and inspire one another.

Monthly Business Consulting

TEDx Training & Signature Keynote

Authentic Genius Book

Book Signing

Authentic Genius Magazine Feature

Branding, PR, & Marketing

Meet the Founders

Dr. Julie Ducharme

Dr. Julie Ducharme


Dr. Julie Ducharme is a distinguished business mogul, boasting five National Best-Selling Author titles that showcase her profound expertise and influence. Beyond her impactful written works, she excels as a Serial Entrepreneur, skillfully navigating the dynamic business landscape with ownership of four successful companies. Dr. Ducharme’s commitment to empowerment is evident in her creation of Lead and Empower Her SheTalks, a platform inspiring and empowering women. Through her multifaceted achievements, she leaves a lasting impact on literature, business, and individual empowerment.

Shelby Jo Long

Shelby Jo Long


Shelby Jo Long, a distinguished figure, boasts a diverse range of accomplishments that highlight her expertise and impact. As a four-time Best-Selling Author, she has made a lasting impression on literature with her insightful works. Beyond writing, she shares innovative ideas as a TEDx Speaker, emphasizing stepping into one’s genius. In her roles as Business Strategist and CEO of Business Dynamics, Rogue Publishing Partners, and the Strategic Advisor Board, Shelby showcases visionary thinking and hands-on leadership, guiding companies to new heights with her entrepreneurial spirit in complex business environments.

Portrait of a beautiful woman with bright makeup. Closeup female

The Challenges Women Face in Business

Your Authentic Genius is here to support you in overcoming these challenges and to ensure that you and your brand come first. Join us and embark on your journey to strength and success!

Check Our Pricing Plans

Boss Babe

  1. Creation of your custom keynote talk TEDX Training and Signature Keynote She Talks
  2. Two book signings
  3. Magazine feature
  4. Chapter in the Authentic Genius book

Queen Bee

  1. Everything in Boss Babe
  2. Monthly Consulting (1x/month)
  3. She Talks
  4. Branding and marketing created by experts and posted bi weekly on all socials
  5. New York Times Square PR event.


  1. Everything in Queen Bee
  2. Bi-Weekly Consulting
  3. PR Positioning
  4. Branding and marketing created by experts and posted bi weekly on all socials


Inquire for more details

Want to learn more about the program or have questions?

Send us a message and we’ll be in touch!


Authentic Genius © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Authentic Genius © 2024. All Rights Reserved.